[Info-vax] Open Source on OpenVMS - need some feedback

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Sat Jan 3 12:10:54 EST 2015

On 2015-01-03 15:11:49 +0000, Dirk Munk said:

> I'm not a C expert (far from it), but wouldn't the test suites also 
> reveal missing Posix headers or missing items in the Posix headers?

I'm going to guess you're conflating the C standard library and some 
part of the POSIX APIs...

ISO/IEC C99 and C11 are the C language standards and these do include 
the C standard library.  

IEEE POSIX standards provide an interface for an operating system.  

The various standards here do strive for compatibility.

While it's certainly possible for one test suite to cover all of C99, 
C11 and IEEE POSIX, the ISO/IEC C standards and the IEEE POSIX 
standards are quite separate, from separate organizations, and with 
separate requirements and typically with separate test suites, and with 
separate release cycles.

So... Probably not.  Why aggregate more than necessary, after all?

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC

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