[Info-vax] Home-grown application process dumps

VAXman- at SendSpamHere.ORG VAXman- at SendSpamHere.ORG
Mon Jan 5 12:15:59 EST 2015

In article <bb40ccb6-4921-4aee-8285-134894086ac0 at googlegroups.com>, RGB <11brvo at gmail.com> writes:
>Hi all and happy new year.
>We are currently running a home-grown application, which uses its own "data=
>base" on an Itanium rx2800 i2 cluster of 2 nodes running VMS v8.4.  All ECO=
>'s are up to date on the cluster.  This home-grown application has various =
>modules which do specific tasks.  Two of the modules have been crashing/dum=
>ping as of late and the developers, who wrote the code, claim it's a bug in=
> VMS whereas I believe that the cause of the process dumps are coding issue=
>s.  I'm going to output a couple of the process dumps here with the hope th=
>at someone could give me their opinion on what might be causing these proce=
>sses to dump like this.  That's my hope anyway!

Try posting PLAIN TEXT next time.

All three dumps have the same error:

>%BAS-F-MEMMANVIO, Memory management violation
>-BAS-I-USEPC_PSL, at user PC=3D84236620, PSL=3D0000001B
>-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=3D04, virtual address=3D000=
>0002, PC=3DFFFFFFFF84236620, PS=3D0000001B

>%BAS-F-MEMMANVIO, Memory management violation
>-BAS-I-USEPC_PSL, at user PC=3D84236620, PSL=3D0000001B
>-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=3D04, virtual address=3D000=
>0002, PC=3DFFFFFFFF84236620, PS=3D0000001B

>%BAS-F-MEMMANVIO, Memory management violation
>-BAS-I-USEPC_PSL, at user PC=3D84236620, PSL=3D0000001B
>-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=3D04, virtual address=3D000=
>0002, PC=3DFFFFFFFF84236620, PS=3D0000001B

I'd suspect a coding error in the BASIC program; however, it might be a bug

Build the program with /LIST/MACHINE and LINK it with /MAP/FULL.  That will
help to make sense of the various addresses see in the dump.  Find out what
was being invoked that coughed up the "%BAS-F-MEMMANVIO, Memory management 
violation" and trace the stack back from it to your program code.  SDA can
be your friend here to figure out what was invoked in DEC$BASRTL or what it
might have invoked in other RTLs and system routines.

VAXman- A Bored Certified VMS Kernel Mode Hacker    VAXman(at)TMESIS(dot)ORG

I speak to machines with the voice of humanity.

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