[Info-vax] Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?

Norm Raphael norman.raphael at verizon.net
Wed Jan 7 14:12:50 EST 2015

 >On 01/06/15, Island Computers USA<david.turner at just-call-islandco-dot-com> wrote:
>We have three spare IP addresses on a new comcast fiber-optic network 
>with 50mbit down/10mbit up
>I will host it free if anyone wants to point me to the leader

David et al,

I have no special knowledge, but I suspect that ConnectUS is still involved 
here with the DNS stuff.  Moreover, VSI is going to get Eisner back online 
itself, albeit with "all deliberate speed," meaning as fast as they can, and so 
any requests to rehost are going to fall on deaf ears, especially as moving it 
again will entail "real work."

So we all need to wait them out, however impatiently, and then they will 
truly be too busy for Eisner postmortems, so we will have to let this go.

 Norman F. Raphael
"Everything worthwhile eventually 
degenerates into real work." -Murphy

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