[Info-vax] Home-grown application process dumps

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Wed Jan 7 18:39:38 EST 2015

Stephen Hoffman wrote:
> On 2015-01-07 21:22:43 +0000, mcleanjoh at gmail.com said:
>> From your ANALYZE/PROCESS_DUMP (???)
>> %BAS-F-MEMMANVIO, Memory management violation-BAS-I-USEPC_PSL, at user 
>> PC=84236620, PSL=0000001B-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason 
>> mask=04, virtual address=00000000002D0002, PC=FFFFFFFF84236620, 
>> PS=0000001B
>> You're at PC 84236620 ?  That's way up high.  Is it in VMS code or 
>> dynamic memory?  SDA might help tell you, assuming you have time to 
>> get into it and do a SHOW PROCESS/IMAGE before the crash.
> Ayup.   Hence my guess that that's a system service call that's getting 
> passed some junk, or it's junk.

The thing that can be a problem to believe with such is, based upon how 
long the application has been in use, How could it be considered 
"working"?  There can of course be seldom used parts of the code.

There is the question, what has changed recently?

Lots to look at with such problems, and, if you're like me, usually it's 
the last thing you look at.  Maybe I should say that that it's far down 
the list of things you look at, since when you find it, you stop 
looking, thus the last thing you looked at.


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