[Info-vax] Streaming a File on OpenVMS with Caché

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Fri Jan 16 10:05:07 EST 2015

On 2015-01-16 14:11:47 +0000, Steven Schweda said:

>> Seems to me there is.  The recieving end has a program
>> that, obviously, expects a particular input.  Tell the
>> sending side(s) the format that the data needs to be in and
>> don't accept anything else.
>    I love your customer orientation, but please explain how a
> remote user on a non-VMS system can determine the record
> format of a file when it arrives at (or is reconstituted on)
> the VMS system.

Ayup.   Free-form manually-triggered uploads tend to get complex, even 
when there's a spec — and there doesn't appear to be a spec, here.    
It's usually simpler to own the whole problem, and to provide client 
software that performs the upload.  That upload could use the existing 
hackery, or could just open a connection directly to the server, and 
send the data.   Either with the client software installed on the 
client box, or with a downloadable client accessed via HTML5, or 
otherwise.   This also means much of the complexity here can be 
removed, and the client software can also make the upload much simpler 
for the user, can be extended to upload relevant connection or crash 
data, and can potentially automate the entire logging process (opt-in) 
for the end-user.

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC

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