[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

JF Mezei jfmezei.spamnot at vaxination.ca
Tue Jan 20 11:23:00 EST 2015

Since my original suggestion of autocomplete for username and password
was so well received, I shall provide a good solution to the DCL issue:

iCobol for command language. Yes, interactive cobol. (or interpreted cobol)

Think about it. It maintains the readability of DCL, provides for many
different variable types, allows one to call system services (including
passing strings by descriptors), has structure, loops etc. In essence,
it provides all that we need.

And if the VAX Cobol is used, iCobol could also make use of its screen
handling abilities to provide full screen (characetr cell) interface
right from the command line. This would bring in a capability MVS has
had since the early 1980s with TSO. :-)

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