[Info-vax] Eisner's PAKs, was: Re: Can't get hobbyist licenses from Openvmshobbyist

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Tue Jan 20 12:25:16 EST 2015

Ian Miller wrote:
> If VMS Software was licensed by subscription licencing rather than a
> one off perpetual license would that be better? You would pay each
> year. Perhaps the software would stop working if you didn't.
> Many commercial users do attempt to stay legal, and a few don't. The
> LMF makes illegal use of software a bit more difficult. LMF is a
> software license reporting facility more than an enforcement
> facility.

Seriously Ian, does it really matter?  I say that it doesn't, and even 
say that illegal use is better than no use.

Say a company comes to VSI for something.  VSI can remind them that for 
their usage a support contract is required.  Some might say, "oh, Ok". 
Others can be letting VSI who they need to "lean on".  Even in the worst 
case, what has VSI lost?  Nothing.  Even then, it would be more IT 
workers working with VMS.

Wider usage of VMS should be the goal.  The more, the more potential 
future revenue.

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