[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Tue Jan 20 22:04:54 EST 2015

Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
> David Froble skrev den 2015-01-20 18:50:
>> Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
>>> OK, so a similar data type exist in the base Basic distribution?
>>> I thought not.
>> If your position is dependent upon a particular data type existing, 
>> then I
>> submit the following:
>> 10    Dim L$(99,2)   ! Create an array of dynamic string descriptors
>>      <some code to load L$(index,1) with a key value
>>      and L$(index,2) with the associated data>
>>      ! This would be the "tool" to retrive data based upon the key
>>      String Function RetriveData( <key> )
>>          For I% = 1% to 99%
>>              If    <key> = L$(I%,1%)
>>              Then    RetriveData = L$(I%,2%)
>>                  Exit Function
>>              End If
>>          Next I%
>>          RetriveData = ""
>>      End Function
>>      ! This would be a retrival
>>      D$ = RetriveData( <some key> )
> Yes, but that uses a sequential search of the array, right?
> The search time will grow in line with the size of the array.
> Python dict's are hashed on the key and has very fast search
> on the key value for any reasonable size within your current
> memory limits.
> Jan-Erik.

You appear to not have consider this in the original post.

"Ok, syntax may not be all correct, and it's over simplified"

I was doing hashed keys back in 1974.  I understand many ways to do 
these things, from a simple binary search to B-tree structures, and such.

You've gone off on a tangent.  The original post was to show that the 
capability wasn't all that difficult in an older compiled language, and 
that yes, a data type that does the job does exist in Basic.

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