[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Wed Jan 21 19:06:27 EST 2015

Chris Scheers wrote:

> That doesn't follow.  One of the advantages of OO is that the 
> implementation is hidden.

I cannot see that statement.  Not having to know the implementation is 
Ok.  But I see no advantage in not being allowed to know of the 
implementation.  Doesn't make sense.

> And when problems are found, the implementation can be fixed without 
> breaking (hopefully) the higher level programs.

Yes, this is very important, and one of the key issues in modular 

Say you had a routine (Ok, object if you insist) to sort a list of 
strings.  A problem in the routine should be able to be fixed without 
any change in functionality (other than now being correct) for the caller.

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