[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Thu Jan 22 17:20:25 EST 2015

Bob Koehler skrev den 2015-01-22 15:58:
> In article <fc7ad454-f0ba-4b81-a9ec-bfdc895cb07b at googlegroups.com>, abrsvc <dansabrservices at yahoo.com> writes:
>> Having worked on code that was a replacement for DCL, I would vote for an a=
>> dd-on environment that could be "called" from a shell DCL procedure.  I agr=
>> ee with Hoff in that the file extention should be different as well.  Wheth=
>> er C64 (for 64bit DCL) or CMD for a "command" file is a good fit can be deb=
>> ated.  The bottom line here is that the process context and environment cre=
>> ated by process creation with teh DCL cli should remain.  It should be easi=
>> er that way.  Why recreate the wheel as far as process context is concerned=
>> .
>> Thoughts?
>     If VSI ever gets this far, it should be VCL for VSI Command Language
>     or VSH for VMS shell.


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