[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

abrsvc dansabrservices at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 22 18:02:10 EST 2015

DCL is the only "HP" supported CLI.  There is at least one other that is still available as an application.  The application code replaced DCL and handles image activation etc.  (I know, because I spent over 9 months porting during the Alpha port period prior to announcement.)

This is NOT trivial code, nor was the port easy.  I suspect that porting it to the I64 platform would be easier as the kinks were worked out evenetually, but still some work to be done.  The product has been sunsetted though and I doubt there is an I64 variant.  If I had the code, I would try it though as an excercise.  I haven't thought of it before, but it would be an interesting task...


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