[Info-vax] Linux 40 GbE and 100 GbE NIC Performance

Norm Raphael norman.raphael at verizon.net
Fri Jan 23 18:16:00 EST 2015

 >On 01/23/15, Stephen Hoffman<seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid> wrote:
>There were some fairly recent discussions here about the (large) 
>differences in performance between the VMS and Linux network stacks, 
>and here's a more recent write-up on the difficulties with 40 GbE and 
>100 GbE support into Linux:
>"Improving Linux networking performance": <https://lwn.net/Articles/629155/>

Ve-er-ry IN-ter-est-ing. (-Arte Johnson)
>These same difficulties and performance requirements will apply to VMS 
>network drivers, if (when?) support for faster NICs beyond the current 
>10 GbE NIC options is added to VMS. Whether VMS can respond as 
>quickly as needed, and whether there might be a need to dedicate one or 
>more cores for the NIC processing?
>Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC

Norman F. Raphael
"Everything worthwhile eventually 
degenerates into real work." -Murphy

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