[Info-vax] OpenVMS in the future, Open sourced or Closed? Intent is to keep it...

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Sat May 2 10:29:55 EDT 2015

People like to throw around names for things.  Sometimes others aren't 
very clear what the names mean.

To throw a question back at you, I'll ask, just what do you mean by 
"open source"?

1) Free software?

2) Source code available to those who want to make modifications?

3) Something else?

As usual, the devil is in the details.  So perhaps you could expound on 
the details of what you are asking for?

Keep in mind that VSI may not be able to do some things with the code 
they got from HP.  There also might be (I'd hope not) restrictions 
agreed upon new code written by VSI.

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