[Info-vax] 8.4 freespace-drift problem?

Hans Vlems hvlems at freenet.de
Fri May 22 08:26:57 EDT 2015

Hoff, us hobbyists have to live and work (play?) with what we can afford. Given the quirks of an rx2600 I'd rather much prefer a DS20/25. 
My point is that old supported hardware and new openVMS versions is no problem at all. There have been questions about the quality of 8.4. OK, nuisances happen but altogether this latest version works well.
Even on an EV56 class machine like an AS1200. And even on its white box cousin, or should I say half brother...

I feel Phillip got bitten by taking a large step, upgrading from 7.3-2 towards 8.4 in what appears one move. 
And that he ought to run the XP1000 for at least two days and then run autogen with feedback.

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