[Info-vax] 8.4 and DECwindows CDE login box not coming up

MG marcogbNO at SPAMxs4all.nl
Tue May 26 18:31:36 EDT 2015

JF Mezei schreef op 26-mei-2015 om 19:25:
> If the DECW$SERVER process comes up and the screen turns from the VGA
> character cell console to the grey screen with hourglass mouse icon,
> then the odds are very good that the graphics card works and has been
> recognized.

What is "the grey screen", the uninitialized and 'backgroundless' X11
stipple pattern... or perhaps something else?

> Generally, you get a console (sys$output) error if a X application needs
> some extension not present on the target X terminal.

Yes, well, provided that it's indeed an X11 or related issue...

  - MG

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