[Info-vax] BASIC compiler in the hobbyist distribution

JF Mezei jfmezei.spamnot at vaxination.ca
Sat May 30 13:44:13 EDT 2015

On 15-05-30 13:06, seasoned_geek wrote:

> AS/400 was the grandchild of S/36 and possibly S/34. 

The way it was explained to me, because of the anti-trust breakup
threat, IBM purposefully made incompatible platfoms for S34, S36 and S38
so that when they would be sold off, they would not compete against the
mainframe business.

This turned out to be be great marketing for Digital which offered a
single platform and OS from desktop to data centre. IBM customes on S34
who needed to upgrade not only had to change hardware, but also
operating systrem and software to get to S36.

Once the threat of anti trust was gone, IBM decided to unite the "minis"
into a single architecture, OS40 running on AS400s which would allow it
to compete in the departmental market. (and compete against the VAX).

With regards to the rest of the issue, Olsen was not without his
problems.  But consider that when he was replaced, there were hopes the
enw guy would turn things around and really make Digital move ahead at
full speed. Instead, he changed the dot on the i for the logo (and the
subtle change in colour) and played musical chairs with management, sold
off everything Compaq wasn't interested in and sold to Compaq.

Meanwhile, at IBM, they were about to sell parts off to avoide chapter
11, and brought in Lou Gerstner who decided to build IBM, not destroy
it. And he did a damned good job of it.

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