[Info-vax] BASIC compiler in the hobbyist distribution

JF Mezei jfmezei.spamnot at vaxination.ca
Sat May 30 16:44:25 EDT 2015

On 15-05-30 14:27, seasoned_geek wrote:

> Nothing serious or respected runs on x86. Commodity is just that, something you sh*t on and flush.

You should know that today's 8086s are built with state of the art
manufacturing and are early adopter sof the latest process shrinks.

They have come a long way from the toy controller which evolved to run DOS.

You should also know that the "server" chips (Xeons) are built to much
higher standards than the PC chips.

Although not originally planned to be this way, the 8086 was also first
to adopt the CSI (now Quickpath) memory interconnect system, with that
Itanium thing delayed so much in was years late (even though when
originally announced in 2006, that Itanium thing was scheduyled to get
it before the 8086.

the 64 bit 8086 may not be the clean a d native 64 bit that Alpha was.
But from a business point of view, it is more than good enough. And
because it gets all the development money, it is often first with new
features and this means servers based on 8086 advance at faster pace.

Don't disparage 8086 based servers because you have see el-cheapo 8086s
based desktops. One is a Cadillac, the other is the Chevrolet Pinto.
Both are made by GM.

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