[Info-vax] BASIC compiler in the hobbyist distribution

lists at openmailbox.org lists at openmailbox.org
Sun May 31 04:24:32 EDT 2015

On Sat, 30 May 2015 17:14:51 -0400
JF Mezei via Info-vax <info-vax at rbnsn.com> wrote:

> On 15-05-30 15:06, lists at openmailbox.org wrote:
> >
> > That's the basis for my comments. You can't beat a free "OS" running on
> > cheap hardware with a better, more expensive OS running on cheap
> > hardware.
> One advantage of VSI as a small company is that they *can* (and should)
> be more responsive to their customers.

That does not follow. A large well-managed company has the ability to be
more responsive to their customers. A small, motivated staff certainly beats
a much larger worthless staff. While those are all too common and perhaps
even the norm, still, a large motivated staff beats a small, motivated
staff. You can't flog 10 of the best guys to death supporting critical
systems in major markets around the world and around the clock for years on
end with no vacations, no relief, etc. When your ecosystem gets big enough
you need lots and lots of good people, not just a few.

Mobility/agility does not translate to good support for a large client base
or large, complicated software ecosystems. It can be a good development
model. It is rarely a good support model.

> Just look at Mr VAXman's experiences with "Hopelessly Pathetic" over the
> years. This is exactly what VSI wants to avoid.  Large companies want to
> avoid contact with customers, VSI should do exactly the opposite. The
> more in touch thei are with customers, they better they know their needs
> and the better than can answer those needs.

It has nothing to do with the size of the company. It has to do with the
management and company values, or lack thereof. Hire good people, point
them in the right direction, reward them for doing the right thing, and get
outta the way.

Linux has thousands of developers and tens of thousands of applications
developers. Anybody can report a bug. But Linux and 99.9% of the apps that
run on it are still crapware. And those guys are motivated! They're just
mostly clueless and wrong.

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