[Info-vax] Cloud Security - 68M accounts hacked on Dropbox

MG marcogbNO at SPAMxs4all.nl
Fri Sep 2 05:06:59 EDT 2016

Op 1-sep-2016 om 22:00 schreef Kerry Main:
> As a follow-on note to this - 68M account passwords hacked on Dropbox.
> https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/aug/31/dropbox-hack-passwords-68m-data-breach
> https://blogs.dropbox.com/dropbox/2016/08/resetting-passwords-to-keep-your-files-safe/
> While security is always a concern, the big issue with public cloud offerings is loss of control over security policy.  Some companies even have a policy that states storing any company information on Dropbox or other similar Internet file sharing offerings is potentially a company termination offense.

For this reason I never wanted to use anything from "the Cloud"
or "Cloud-based".  (Hasn't anyone also learned anything from
the iCloud debacle?)

  - MG

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