[Info-vax] Cloud Security - 68M accounts hacked on Dropbox

Kerry Main kemain.nospam at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 17:04:34 EDT 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Info-vax [mailto:info-vax-bounces at rbnsn.com] On
> Behalf Of MG via Info-vax
> Sent: 02-Sep-16 3:44 PM
> To: info-vax at rbnsn.com
> Cc: MG <marcogbNO at SPAMxs4all.nl>
> Subject: Re: [Info-vax] Cloud Security - 68M accounts
> hacked on Dropbox
> Op 2-sep-2016 om 15:31 schreef Kerry Main:
> > We need to remember that public clouds are just
> another
> > name for selective IT outsourcing.
> So that the higher-ups in certain companies can buy a
> new yacht or sports car, while your data is put at
> risk or simply compromised...
> I remember reading in an article that even medical
> records, from certain countries, are now up for grabs
> in questionable 'offshore' datacenters...

Well,  it's hard to tell these days with so many
"interesting" things happening at the C levels of many
companies. The new saying is that during their initial
hiring interviews, the C level candidate will spend 5
min's on salary negotiations, 10 min's on their bonus plan
and 20 min's on their exit package. Reminds me of a former
CEO who made a big deal of taking a 20% salary cut from
$1M to $800k, only to find out that he subsequently
received a $14M bonus (or in that neighborhood).

Approx. 60+% of the typical IT budget is staffing related,
so outsourcing to a public cloud (aka head count cuts)
makes financial and mgmt. types sit up and take notice.  

Course, all too often senior financial and senior mgmt.
types do not understand the long term impact or the pro's
and con's. All they see and hear is media, vendor and
industry hype and that it enables them to meet some short
term cost reduction goals (read goals that will kick in


Kerry Main
Kerry dot main at starkgaming dot com

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