[Info-vax] Should VSI create a security bug bounty program for VMS ?

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Mon Sep 5 11:34:31 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-02 22:12:58 +0000, Craig A. Berry said:

> On 9/2/16 9:56 AM, Stephen Hoffman wrote:
>> On 2016-09-01 17:12:59 +0000, John Reagan said:
>>> On Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 10:33:05 AM UTC-4, Stephen Hoffman
>>> wrote:
>>>> Clair's (proverbial?) whiteboard of projects is undoubtedly a long one, 
>>>> and VSI is comparatively a very tiny team with  comparatively tiny 
>>>> funding for a project of the scale of a proprietary  server operating 
>>>> system.
>>> It is quite real. Although he'll often spin his monitor around and show 
>>> me something in a spreadsheet with even more detail.  So I guess the 
>>> answer is "both". :)
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_issue-tracking_systems
> Whoa. Pretty soon you'll be saying crazy stuff such as that a company 
> that makes software ought to have a decent web site, maybe even sell 
> that software on the internet. ;-)

That's crazy talk.   😜

I've found the use of spreadsheets for issue tracking and project 
management tasks is a common indication of project management problems. 
  Too easy to hide project data from other project participants; 
intentionally or otherwise.   Too tedious to share and to collaborate 
and to merge changes, too.   There are better tools for these tasks.    
 If there's a bug-tracking system around — and there often is — then 
I'd usually want the project plans and issues and discussions stored in 
that, lest the associated knowledge be lost or forgotten or otherwise 
isolated.    But then management gets to make these sorts of trade-offs 
all the time; whether the tools add more overhead, or reduce the wasted 
effort, etc.   Sometimes the most primitive and simple approach is the 
best trade-off.

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC 

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