[Info-vax] September 6, 2016 - new Roadmap and State of the Port updates now on VSI website

Stephen Davies joviangm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 06:54:39 EDT 2016

On Thursday, 8 September 2016 19:30:33 UTC+1, Simon Clubley  wrote:

> You can't start throwing various bits at random into some Frankenstein
> Ada 83+ compiler. :-) You need to be able to tell people that you are
> selling them an Ada 83, Ada 95, or a later Ada compiler.
> Even if someone does all the work to port DEC Ada, that still only gets
> you an Ada 83 compiler which is only good enough for the older projects
> using it.
> If that was enough for the VMS Ada community, then DEC and then HP
> would not have arranged for Adacore to port GNAT to VMS.

I did say "maybe" about adding limited Ada '95 features :-) And I don't
know which VMS Ada community HP consulted to decide Ada '83 was no
longer needed but it clearly wasn't where I work.

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