[Info-vax] PowerX Roadmap - Extended beyond 2020

IanD iloveopenvms at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 07:37:09 EDT 2016

On Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 2:45:04 AM UTC+10, Kerry Main wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Info-vax [mailto:info-vax-bounces at info-vax.com] On Behalf Of
> For those so inclined to think beyond just X86-64, these links  may be of 
> some interest:
> April 7, 2016:
> http://www.nextplatform.com/2016/04/07/ibm-unfolds-power-chip-roadmap-past-2020/ 
> Nov 16, 2015:
> http://www.nextplatform.com/2015/11/16/openpower-accelerated-computing-will-be-the-new-normal/ 
> Regards,
> Kerry Main
> Kerry dot main at starkgaming dot com


Looks like IBM is going to keep pushing the Power platform onto bigger and better...


August 30, 2016
IBM Advances Against x86 with Power9
Tiffany Trader

After offering OpenPower Summit attendees a limited preview in April, IBM is unveiling further details of its next-gen CPU, Power9, which the tech mainstay is counting on to regain market share ceded to rival Intel. Built on GlobalFoundries 14nm finFET process technology, Power9 will be the centerpiece in Power-based servers starting in the second half of 2017. The highlight of the release is a brand new core and chip architecture that IBM has optimized for technical/HPC workloads, hyperscale, analytics and machine learning applications.

Although system availability hasn’t been announced yet, IBM has already landed a major win for its forthcoming Power9 platform. Back in November 2014, IBM, Mellanox and Nvidia were tapped to provide the DOE with two ~200-petaflops machines: Summit and Sierra. The $325 million contract specifies that the machines will employ Power9 CPUs and Volta GPUs when they come online next year.

IBM also has buy-in from Google, no small proof point in an era when hyperscalers exert substantial influence on the market. At the 2016 OpenPower Summit, Google said that the majority of its infrastructure had been ported to Power and that for most Googlers, enabling Power is a matter of a config change. Google is also working with Rackspace on a Power9 server, called Zaius, a design that will then be submitted to the Open Compute Project.


PoowerX-VMS anyone? :-)

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