[Info-vax] PowerX Roadmap - Extended beyond 2020

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Sat Sep 10 17:55:11 EDT 2016

IanD wrote:

> Not sure where OpenVMS is going to fit in the IoT picture, it's not lean
> enough or it's file system not quick enough to act as a data collector. Maybe
> as an aggregator?

You've stated things like this in the past.  You got any citations, facts, or 
such to back up your statements?

While I don't have any specifics, I remember reading years ago how the size of 
VMS compared to weendoze, and the comparison was rather favorable for VMS.  Much 
smaller footprint.

With the memory available today, I'm not sure how much a difference in footprint 
matters, in comparison to capabilities.

You also got to differentiate between the OS and the utilities that come with 
it.  In an embedded situation, much of the utilities would perhaps not be included.

When you mention "file system", are you really referring to the file system, or 
to RMS?  I can do some rather fast I/O on VMS.

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