[Info-vax] September 6, 2016 - new Roadmap and State of the Port updates now on VSI website

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Sun Sep 11 14:26:49 EDT 2016

In article <d727821d-5f5c-411c-a079-50fa54d06b1d at googlegroups.com>, IanD
<iloveopenvms at gmail.com> writes: 

> Is gnu released as part of OpenVMS now? Isn't it a separate download? Why? 
> Why isn't it part of the standard OpenVMS distribution and install?

Check out Stallman's Gnu philosophy.  Basically, and I'm putting it 
lightly, anyone who uses proprietary software is some sort of fascist 
and should be shot on the spot.  I don't think Gnu wants VMS, and does 
VMS really need Gnu?  To be unix-compatible, perhaps, but the emphasis 
should be on portable data formats, not the tools to produce them.

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