[Info-vax] OpenVMS manuals (Grey wall + HP) available, Windermere UK

urbancamo mark at wickensonline.co.uk
Mon Sep 12 08:40:33 EDT 2016


I have a set of OpenVMS 7.3 era manuals available (grey wall).
They are located in Windermere, UK. At the moment I am unable to ship
them due to lack of packing materials so it would be either via
collection or by an arrangement.

The manuals are generally in good condition. I can get a list together
if anyone is interested.

I also have a large number of HP/Compaq softbound manuals which came as a
complete set also available.

Please email me direct if interested. 
I am the organiser of declegacy.org.uk so if you want to come along on
October 15th-16th and collect them you've got a reason to visit

Please feel free to pass this message on to anyone you think might be

Regards, Mark.

p.s: this is the set of softbound manuals  :D 


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