[Info-vax] September 6, 2016 - new Roadmap and State of the Port updates now on VSI website

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Mon Sep 12 16:54:22 EDT 2016

In article <nr6tnd$haq$2 at dont-email.me>, Simon Clubley
<clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP> writes: 

> Now I know what Phillip thinks about GNU tools 

Not necessarily the tools themselves, but rather the GNU-flavoured 

> (and with his comment
> about compatibility with file formats and not the tools) 

I think that this is a key aspect.  I shouldn't know, or care, what
software one uses to produce, say, a PostScript file.  I produce mine
with Fortran (or, occasionally, for small ones, by typing in EDT).  The
point is a format which someone on a different platform can use. 

> I was trying
> to find out what he thinks about non-GNU open source tools such as
> the LLVM toolkit at the centre of VSI's plans.

I'm not familiar with LLVM, but I've mentioned ZIP and UNZIP positively
as examples of open-source tools here many times.  I use them.  I
contributed somewhat to the testing of the 64-bit versions.  The code is
VMS aware.  No problem. 

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