[Info-vax] Current Hobbyist procedures

D W dean.woodward at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 14:35:16 EDT 2016

Belay that-

I think I've bootstrapped back into my Connect account and correctly 
applied for new hobbyist licenses...

On 9/14/2016 11:01 AM, D W wrote:
> I haven't had time/energy to play with my hobbyist box for a few years
> (where did all these kids come from?) and since the only place I had for
> the system to live would have been in the garage with all the lack of
> climate control that implies, I just let it sit. But now I've moved to a
> house with a perfect place, and I'm going.
> So, what's the current set of hoops to jump through to renew the
> licenses, and is there any media newer than 8.3 available to hobbyists?

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