[Info-vax] Updated HPE/VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 Marketing Brochures

Kerry Main kemain.nospam at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 12:46:19 EDT 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Info-vax [mailto:info-vax-bounces at rbnsn.com] On Behalf
> Of IanD via Info-vax
> Sent: 17-Sep-16 9:06 AM
> To: info-vax at rbnsn.com
> Cc: IanD <iloveopenvms at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Info-vax] Updated HPE/VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L1
> Marketing Brochures
> On Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 10:40:05 PM UTC+10, Kerry
> Main wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > HPE is clearly getting back to its roots as a server and
> > infrastructure company. Some analysts have stated they want
> to be seen
> > as a neutral company that can play and integrate with all of
> other
> > vendors platforms.
> >
> wtf!!!
> This is exactly what EDS was and HP killed that remaining
> philosophy that was hammered into every EDS employee
> "We have no product to sell, only the services of our people"
> the underlining EDS moto and as an employee when you put
> together quotes for a customers IT solution, you had the
> freedom to choose what-ever hardware and software you
> thought fitted the bill. Sun, HP, IBM etc, it didn't matter
back then
> After the HP takeover, we were badgered into picking HP
> products in the first instance. In time, our customers slowly
> realized the wonderful impartiality that used to set us apart
> gone and they started shopping elsewhere

I need to clarify what I stated by neutral. 

HPE is still only going to sell HPE HW products, but they will
not be competing with CSC, BM and other SW vendors with their
services and/or software businesses.


> It will be interesting to see who snaps up non-stop. The
> sector is slowly moving on from mainframes (commonwealth
> bank in Australia has gone to great lengths and I believe the
> banks here are also moving too)
> IBM perhaps?

Doubt it - NonStop is competition for mainframes. Also, the
installed base is not that large (lots smaller than OpenVMS btw).

More likely, if it did happen, it would be one of NonStops
integration partners.

> What will HPE actually stand for in the future then?

I fully expect HPE will be bought out and is the reason they are
slimming down so drastically. 

>From $100B to $28B in approx. 18 months?

Imho, there is a deal cooking behind the scenes... perhaps Cisco
in order to ramp up against the new Dell/EMC?

Cisco does have USD $60B cash on hand.

> IT is becoming more and more a commodity every day. It will
> eventually become like electricity, you flick the switch and
> care who's supplying you the goods as long as it meets a set
> minimum standard that you require

I heard that same concern 30 years ago when concepts like the "IT
Utility" were being thrown around. What you have just described
is outsourcing and there is a reason why outsourcing has not
"taken over" like many industry pundits have predicted.

In the end, when you outsource your IT to a public cloud, you are
also giving up any control over security policy, data policy,
ability to prioritize issues and the ability to adopt new
technologies which might make your company more competitive. You
also give up flexibility to change things quickly.

In some of the larger companies, what is changing is that Mgmt
wants their senior IT staff to working more closely with the BU's
to help them understand what IT can do for them. For these
companies, trolling newsgroups or email distribution lists
looking for patches and/or other "in the weeds" issues to resolve
low level incidents is not considered a good use of a valuable
resources time.



Kerry Main
Kerry dot main at starkgaming dot com

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