[Info-vax] Help with an error log entry - is the adapter really failing?

David Turner islandcomputersuscorp at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 17:25:59 EDT 2016

I'll tell you now that the KZPEA-DB is the most unreliable card I have 
ever used in an ALPha.  It is Adaptec not LSI and the difference in 
quality is huge

n 8/17/2016 7:09 PM, Rich Jordan wrote:
> The machine is a DS15, OpenVMS Alpha V8.2, ECO up to date for that version.  Not under support.
> There are two 2-disk shadow sets with one of each pair on two separate KZPEA dual channel U160 adapters.
> I'm only including a section of readable info here (from WSEA), not the whole record because they are in a power failure with no network access, and I have to hand type this from a printout, but I've never seen a 'hardware failure' reported before.  Is this likely to be accurate (the KZPEA is really failing)?  Or can it result from other issues (bad disk, bad cables, dust bunnies, cosmic rays, etc).  If its real we'll get them a new card; if not then we'll start with a PM and cleanup, cable reseats, etc.
> Currently the adapter is working and we have normal shadowset operation.
> If the whole record is needed to make any conclusion I will post it.
> Thanks for any illumination.
> VMS Asynchronous Device Attention
> KZPEA_LW_CNT            90
> pka_erl_b_rev          x0032                   packet revision 2
> pka_sub_packet_class   x1389                   PCI-SCSI SubPacket
> pka_sub_packet_type    x0002                   OVMS SubPacket
> KZPEA_ErrCode          x0402                   Adapter Hardware Failure
>    SubType[7:0]        x2                      Runtime Error
>    Type[15:8]          x4
> pka_pci_bus             0
> pka_pci_slot            8
> pka_vendor_id          x9005
> pka_device_id          x00CF
> pka_subsystem_vendor_idx9005
> pka_subsystem_id       xFFFF
> pka_vpd_data           x0000 0000
> pka_driver_name        SYS$PKADRIVER FP
> (and next)
> KZPEA_LW_CNT            90
> pka_erl_b_rev          x0032                   packet revision 2
> pka_sub_packet_class   x1389                   PCI-SCSI SubPacket
> pka_sub_packet_type    x0002                   OVMS SubPacket
> KZPEA_ErrCode          x0403                   Host Adapter has Failed
>    SubType[7:0]        x3                      Asynchronous OSM Event
>    Type[15:8]          x4
> pka_pci_bus             0
> pka_pci_slot            8
> pka_vendor_id          x9005
> pka_device_id          x00CF
> pka_subsystem_vendor_idx9005
> pka_subsystem_id       xFFFF
> pka_vpd_data           x0000 0000
> pka_driver_name        SYS$PKADRIVER FP

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