[Info-vax] Closing Shop - Free Equipment kednos.com

Paul Sture nospam at sture.ch
Sun Sep 18 03:01:30 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-18, Michael Moroney <moroney at world.std.spaamtrap.com> wrote:
> Tom Linden <tomljlinden at gmail.com> writes:
>>BTW should have been Alta Vista which came out of DECs Palo Alto labs
> Fire 'em up and put 'em back on the net!  Alta Vista search had several 
> features that Google etc. don't, or they are well kept secrets if they do.
> (yeah yeah, I know.  Outdated and seriously underpowered with today's
> internet...)

But a computer museum might be interested.

It was untidy, so got unplugged.
It was unplugged, so got thrown away.

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