[Info-vax] What would you miss if DECnet got the chop? Was: "bad select 38" (OpenSSL on VMS)

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Mon Sep 19 08:37:02 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-18 12:32, Dirk Munk wrote:

> My ideas about Phase IV are not just opinions. Phase IV is a dead end,
> it won't be long before you can't buy routers for Phase IV. You can't
> make Phase IV traffic secure, you can't use it in a IP-only network
> environment, you can't use it over the internet. Those are facts, not
> opinions.

They are opinions, and not facts. Or else I must be dreaming as my RSX 
system is talking to VMS systems using DECnet phase IV over IP.

Hmm.  Nope. Not dreaming... The circuits are still up.


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