[Info-vax] Problem with sem_open() call

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Mon Sep 19 11:12:51 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-19 13:19:06 +0000, Alexander Saprykin said:

> I'm trying to use POSIX semaphores introduced in OpenVMS 8.4, but with no luck.
> 1. Calling sem_open("/myname", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0660, 1) returns a 
> pointer to a semaphore structure (sem_t), no problems here.
> 2. Calling the same routine returns EEXIST on the second time, as 
> described in manual (so, the semaphore already exists), no problems 
> here.
> 3. But subsequent sem_open("/myname", 0) call fails with ENOENT error 
> code which means that there is no semaphore with such a name. But 
> semaphore actually exists, because even sem_unlink ("/myname") returns 
> 0.
> So I couldn't open semaphore after its creation.
> Has some faced with such a problem? Maybe I need to make some system 
> configuration changes?

Please check that your OpenVMS patches are current, as a starting 
point.    Then please post a (small!) reproducer of the problem, and 
post up the local definitions of the DECC* logical name morass, and 
some folks here can use that to determine if it's OpenVMS, the local 
system configuration, the source code involved.   Or you can ring up 
HPE support and ask them, if you have access to that path.

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC 

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