[Info-vax] What would you miss if DECnet got the chop? Was: "bad select 38"

Bob Koehler koehler at eisner.nospam.decuserve.org
Mon Sep 19 16:08:26 EDT 2016

In article <ySVDz.652732$_Y7.624054 at fx21.ams1>, Dirk Munk <munk at home.nl> writes:
> DECnet is deeply embedded in VMS, it is relatively very simple to use, 
> even from within programs.

   DECnet is known by RMS.  A very usefull decision.  Requires FAL.
   So all the HLL got DECnet file access without knowing it.

   Look at the workarounds made available when the FAL server is running
   on UNIX.  Yes, they worked.  No, I didn't try to use them from

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