[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Kerry Main kemain.nospam at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 10:48:34 EDT 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Info-vax [mailto:info-vax-bounces at rbnsn.com] On Behalf
> Of Chris via Info-vax
> Sent: 20-Sep-16 9:21 AM
> To: info-vax at rbnsn.com
> Cc: Chris <xxx.syseng.yyy at gfsys.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet
> On 09/20/16 12:45, John E. Malmberg wrote:
> >
> > And every residential ISP I have had in the last 20 years in
> U.S.
> > has a Terms Of Service (TOS) absolutely prohibiting this type
> access.
> >
> > And of those residential ISPs that also offer commercial
> the
> > main difference in the TOS is that they allocate more e-mail
> addresses
> > for a higher fee. All public servers must either be rented
> the
> > ISP or another external service.
> >
> > Maybe it is different in your part of the world.
> >
> I don't know of any UK isp's that dictate to the customer in
> way and many people run home servers for their interests and
> hobbies. Unless there is network disruption or other problems
> a result, they really don't care.
> It's weird, in what is possible the most high tech country on
> planet also has the slowest and worst quality internet service.
> Obviously need more competition and regulation of restrictive
> and monopoly practices.
> Tried a test from two speed test sites a few days ago, and
> consistently get over 76 Mbits/second from Virgin Media, from a
> claimed 50 Mbits / second line. The BT business line only
> managed 38 Mbits second or so, but Virgin really are pushing
> boundaries now, offering up to
> 200 M bits / second in some areas...

Fwiw, speed of deployment of hi speed links to home is
accelerating. It will change a lot of what we consider "normal"

Earlier this year my son moved into a new Apt complex in Irvine,
CA and he has 750Mbs/down AND up. He has given up on paying cable
TV and now watches exclusively shows and movies streamed from
Inet via various providers like Hulu. He no longer has a home
phone - just the cell. 

Japan's So-NET ISP Launches 2Gb Internet Service

"Crazy fast. Japan remains light years ahead of the United States
in ISP offerings. For about the same price in USD as a standard
Comcast account, how does a connection that is 1000 times faster
sound? The connection speed likely exceeds most home PC network
cards. What an excuse to upgrade."



The only constant is change ..



Kerry Main
Kerry dot main at starkgaming dot com

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