[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Richard Levitte richard at levitte.org
Wed Sep 21 12:06:26 EDT 2016

Den onsdag 21 september 2016 kl. 16:31:50 UTC+2 skrev Chris:
> On 09/21/16 12:16, Dirk Munk wrote:
> > That IPv4 is broken has been known for over 25 years by now. Its 32 bit
> > address space is ridiculously small for what we want to do with it.
>  >
> Yes, we know all this, but IPV6 is not necessarily the best solution for
> all such network problems.

It doesn't have to be "the best solution", it just has to be better.  Plus, IPv6 is already deployed even though not everywhere, that's a plus as well.  If you'd want to replace IPv4 with something today, what would you choose, pragmatically speaking?


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