[Info-vax] new PAKS and need new openvms

Steven Schweda sms.antinode at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 12:57:21 EDT 2016

> I received from HP my news PAKs [...]

   Are we talking about Hobbyist PAKs?

> Bunzip2 said it was corrupt

   What has bunzip2 to do with anything?

>  and it wouldn't load into the simh VAX emulator.

   When you did what, exactly?

> I entered 'b dua0' in ordeer to boot the file

   And what's in/on DUA0?

> the CPU ended with an error code. I forgot what it was.

   Yow.  I knew what your problem was, but I forgot.

> [...] do I just get back with HP Customer service? 

   Did you read the PAK e-mail message?  Did it say anything

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