[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Scott Dorsey kludge at panix.com
Thu Sep 22 13:02:01 EDT 2016

Bob Koehler <koehler at eisner.nospam.decuserve.org> wrote:
>In article <nrs5rn$a6g$1 at panix3.panix.com>, kludge at panix.com (Scott Dorsey) writes:
>> In general, home internet service in the US is dreadful, and well behind
>> what was available in places like rural Poland five or six years ago.
>> And what is most sad is that Americans just don't seem to realize how bad
>> it is.
>   As long as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and email keep working, nobody
>   will care.
>   Banks, airlines, and the rest of the economy be damned.

Banks and airlines in the US have excellent service.  The big pipes are fine,
it's getting stuff out to the home where everything falls apart.  And part
of that is because banks and airlines pull enough weight with the telcos to
actually get what they are paying for.  It's the rest of us who have to deal.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

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