[Info-vax] new PAKS and need new openvms

Steven Schweda sms.antinode at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 16:00:21 EDT 2016

> >   Are we talking about Hobbyist PAKs?
>     Of course. 

   That may be obvious to you, but you're not talking to
yourself, are you?

> >   What has bunzip2 to do with anything?
>     I kept the file as openvms73.iso.bz2. [...]

   Of course.  Even someone with my weak psychic powers
should have known that.  I've never seen b[un]zip2 fail on
its own, so I'd guess that you damaged the ".bz2" file

>     Well I guess it says to email and HP will email a ftp
> link. 

   That was my guess too, but I didn't see your PAK e-mail
message.  (Weak psychic powers again.)

   If you learn how to ask a technical question, then you
might get better answers sooner.  See, for example:


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