[Info-vax] Updated HPE/VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 Marketing Brochures

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Fri Sep 23 02:26:56 EDT 2016

In article <mailman.11.1474603640.24380.info-vax_rbnsn.com at rbnsn.com>,
"Kerry Main" <kemain.nospam at gmail.com> writes: 

> A huge part of the TCO is Oracle licensing costs which are double for
> Alpha/IA64 due to Oracles anti-competition tax called their Processor
> Core Factor which for Alpha/IA64 is 1.0. When charging $25-$50K per
> core, this is a huge factor (add 50% per core if using RAC).

Right; it is expensive.

> The good news is that when OpenVMS X86-64/Oracle is available, the
> Processor Core factor will be 0.5 - same as Linux. Hence, OpenVMS on
> Alpha/IA64 customers should be able to cut their Oracle license costs by
> 50%.

Assuming that Oracle doesn't change their pricing model.

> Also remember that there is a potential to reduce OpenVMS license costs
> in a migration because Alpha is core (cpu) based licenses, while I2/I4
> systems are socket based.

Assuming that VSI doesn't change their pricing model.

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