[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Chris xxx.syseng.yyy at gfsys.co.uk
Fri Sep 23 14:08:53 EDT 2016

On 09/23/16 17:00, David Froble wrote:

> Why is the "West" always the guilty party?

It probably isn't, but we do seem to have form in terms of the
chaos left behind every time we try to impose "democracy" on
to Arab countries. The fundamental mistake that the West
always makes is to think that our style of Democracy, which is
far from perfect in itself, is an appropriate form of government
for all countries to adopt.

> A quarter million dead American citizens? No f**king way would such be
> tolorated. Nor do I think that any US leader would have ever allowed it
> to come to such. Not even Nixon and such.

The US already had a civil war, but you assume that something similar
could never happen again ?. Of course, we are all too sophisticated
and adult now, aren't we ?.

> I see. Perhaps you're part of the china's communist party?

Well, China isn't exactly a democracy either, but we are quite happy
to deal with them and roll out the red carpet for their leaders. So
what is so important about the Middle East ?. Do I have to spell it
out for you that the West's moral values are very much secondary to
things like oil, global influence and national security. While it may
be unavoidable, please, lets have less of the moral outrage, anger,
hand wringing and hypocrisy.

> I do not totally disagree with you. But, raise your head, and lose it?
> That's not so enlightened.

No, that's Saudi Arabia, where beheadings, limb removal and stoning to
death are commonplace, apparently. Yet we quite happily sell them arms,
train their police forces so they can torture with greater
efficiency and are considered "an ally". Hyprocrisy, moi ?.

> IS happened because of the breakdown in civil order. If there had been
> no need for a protracted revolution, IS could not have happened. Get rid
> of Assad, and watch how fast IS disappears.

No, IS won't be happy until they turn the whole of the Middle East
into a Caliphate under totalitarian rule, then they will move on to the
West. One of their stated aims is to unify the whole of the Middle
East, so should we just let them get on with it, or support those trying
to stop them ?.

> Oh, real good, now it's Israel's fault. I can see where this is coming
> from ...

Can you ?. So where do think that is, enquiring minds want to know...



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