[Info-vax] implementing IPv6 on the internet

Chris xxx.syseng.yyy at gfsys.co.uk
Sat Sep 24 08:21:04 EDT 2016

On 09/24/16 07:05, Dirk Munk wrote:

> Great, you just designed a completely new way of how a NAT router is
> functioning. A kind of master - slave relationship with the devices on
> its LAN, instead of simply exchanging IP addresses and ports in passing
> data streams.

That's a lot of arm waving to say nothing :-). There's not much point in
trying to have a tech discussion if all you can do is sneer and tell me
its not possible. We have enough defeatists in the world already, or are
you just a shill for some IPV6 company ?.

> Anything can be designed in IP land, even the most ludicrous protocols.

In your opinion. Thankfully, the are those designing this stuff who
not only know what they are talking about, but actually build
systems that work and address real problems.

> You can write this proposal down in an RFC, and submit it. Don't forget
> to explain why you want it. Then discuss the whole matter for five years
> or so, and see if you can find anyone who is willing to build devices
> like that.

You really seem like a man in a hurry, but you should know that major
changes like this take years, even decades to complete. Like it or not,
IPV4 will be around for a long time yet. I doubt if it will ever
disappear altogether...



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