[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Sun Sep 25 21:22:53 EDT 2016

Chris wrote:
> On 09/25/16 21:57, Dirk Munk wrote:
>> There was a survey about what people hated most on ICT. The result? The
>> poor performance, the long waiting times. Is it because the computers
>> are too small? No, lousy applications, poor database design, poor
>> installations and poor if any tuning.
>> I have increased the performance of computer systems 10-fold by just a
>> bit of tuning. And these computers had a 'standard' setup, as you would
>> like to see.
>> So I'm sorry, but your ideas stink, I have seen the results, and it 
>> sucks.
> On that, we are in complete agreement :-). There have been similar
> threads on the pprune website about pilot training and deskilling
> the process of flying aeroplanes. Problem there is a bit more serious
> though as when the automatics give up, the crew don't have a clue
> in some cases how to fly manually and prevent the thing falling out
> of the sky. Have a detailed look at the AF447 incident for a classic
> example...
> Regards,
> Chris


There should be mandatory aerobatic training as part of advanced ratings. 
Paperwork may be #1 for the FAA, but it doesn't do squat in the cockpit.

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