[Info-vax] Clouds and security

mcleanjoh at gmail.com mcleanjoh at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 02:55:34 EDT 2016

Back in May of this year security group Mcafee published an article from Intel Security about clouds and security.  It's at https://blogs.mcafee.com/business/no-excuses-time-get-grip-cloud-security/

Here's an extract...

"If we look at our own survey results the picture isn’t great when it comes to how well organisations are doing cloud security today. Some 40 per cent are failing to protect files located on SaaS with encryption or data loss prevention tools, 43 per cent do not use encryption or anti-malware in their private cloud servers and 38 per cent use IaaS without encryption or anti-malware.

Many organisations have already been at the sharp end of cloud security incidents. Nearly a quarter of respondents (23 per cent) report cloud provider data losses or breaches and one in five reports unauthorised access to its data or services in the cloud. The reality check here is that the most common cloud security incidents cited were actually around migrating services or data, high costs and lack of visibility into the provider’s operations."

This looks like a good argument for private clouds on in-house SANs.



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