[Info-vax] product not installing

Steven Schweda sms.antinode at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 17:36:14 EDT 2016

> I type '@sys$update:vmsinstall cc064.a' and vmsinstal
> attempts to install.

   As with many (most?) DEC/Compaq/HP[E] products, there is
an Installation Guide for this one.


   Of course, many of the links there are broken, but you can
usually find a title, and then a normal Web search will
usually find it.  For example:


> It says error not a backup set and cc064.a is not a
> saveset.

   As usual, showing the actual command with its actual
output can be more helpful than vague descriptions or

>  The text files with the c compiler zip file mentions
> several texts some of which the names have either been
> changed or they are not in the zip file.

   Which "The text files"?  What do they actually say?

>  Seems I will not another file(s).


>  I have copied into the directory dua0:[000000] a product
> called cc064.a and one called cc064.b. [...]

   You "copied" these files how, exactly?  Files on VMS have
attributes.  Not all methods of copying files preserve those
attributes.  BACKUP is especially sensitive to the attributes
of save sets.

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