[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Dirk Munk munk at home.nl
Wed Sep 28 09:32:04 EDT 2016

IanD wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 6:18:37 PM UTC+10, Dirk Munk wrote:
>> IanD wrote:
>>> That's interesting about the survey and performance issues. We are nearing the end of simply being able to crank up CPUs faster and faster. We either go the way of parallel and/or its back to people in white coats tuning and tweaking and knowing their customers load and business again instead of half whit monkeys just saying, buy a bigger system
>> *NO*, not people in white coats. Just people who know what they are
>> doing, who understand how computers work. People who can read a manual,
>> even to find someone who can actually find something in a manual is a
>> miracle these days.
>> Now of course this kind of people is also interested in figuring out how
>> you can improve performance. These are the kind of people who read about
>> and try out options etc.
> By white coat, I meant people who actually know something in-depth versus the skim readers and/or show me the command to fix the whole universe so I can go to coffee crowd :-)

Ah, I see what you mean, and of course I can agree with you.

> I find people struggle to even read an email properly these days.
> I dread dealing with IT support folk who, even though you number or bullet-point your questions and do the old quality confirmation statement such as '2 (two)', etc, all you get back is some half-arsed response to your first point only

Very true, I have the same experience. Always use bullets or numbers in 
front of your questions, otherwise people don't grasp what you're 
writing. The same is true for reports etc. to managers, always use bullets.

> Even simple things like the ability to concentrate on something longer than 30us is too hard for a lot of folk
> Yep, the world is becoming dumber by the minute IMO

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