[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Dirk Munk munk at home.nl
Wed Sep 28 16:41:05 EDT 2016

Kerry Main wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Info-vax [mailto:info-vax-bounces at rbnsn.com] On Behalf
>> Of Dirk Munk via Info-vax
>> Sent: 28-Sep-16 9:32 AM
>> To: info-vax at rbnsn.com
>> Cc: Dirk Munk <munk at home.nl>
>> Subject: Re: [Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement
>> IanD wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 6:18:37 PM UTC+10, Dirk
>> Munk wrote:
> [snip..]
>>> I find people struggle to even read an email properly these
>> days.
>>> I dread dealing with IT support folk who, even though you
>> number or
>>> bullet-point your questions and do the old quality
> confirmation
>>> statement such as '2 (two)', etc, all you get back is some
> half-
>> arsed
>>> response to your first point only
>> Very true, I have the same experience. Always use bullets or
>> numbers in front of your questions, otherwise people don't
> grasp
>> what you're writing. The same is true for reports etc. to
>> managers, always use bullets.
>>> Even simple things like the ability to concentrate on
> something
>> longer than 30us is too hard for a lot of folk
>>> Yep, the world is becoming dumber by the minute IMO
> This is similar to what was discussed on one of the US news
> channels yesterday.
> When on-air, It was stated that News people need to use a grade 8
> vocabulary in order to reach their max audience.
> The analysts stated Donald Trump has been using a grade 4
> vocabulary i.e. very, very simple language (I am a winner, I am
> great, name calling, you are a loser, high level generalities
> like NAFTA is bad without any specific references to what parts
> are bad) to reach his base audience.
> Interesting times.
> Regards,
> Kerry Main
> Kerry dot main at starkgaming dot com

After Donald became the Republican nominee, Bill Maher commented that 
"the question if Nazi Germany could happen in the US has now been 
answered". What he meant was i.m.o. is that if so many people buy the 
kind of BS that Trump is selling, that a man like Hitler could also be 

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