[Info-vax] product not installing

hb end.of at inter.net
Wed Sep 28 17:11:46 EDT 2016

On 09/28/2016 10:50 PM, Steven Schweda wrote:

>> %BACKUP-F-NOTSAVESET, DUA0:[000000]CC064.A;1 is not a BACKUP save set
>> %VMSINSTAL-E-NOSAVESET, Save set  A  cannot be restored. 
>    Apparently, CC064.A (and, I'd guess, CC064.B) got damaged.
>>    You "copied" these files how, exactly?
>    Still wondering.
>    You might get better results with more ease if you could
> get a working UnZip executable onto the VMS system, and
> unpack the product.zip kits there.  The part of the OS which
> actually runs a program (image activator?) and UnZip itself
> are both less fussy about file attributes than BACKUP is, so
> a working UNZIP.EXE and product.zip kit may be easier to
> arrange than a working BACKUP save set.

The output of $ DUMP/HEADER/BLOCK=COUNT=1 DUA0:[000000]CC064.%; should
show if the save sets are damaged or if the file attributes are wrong.

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