[Info-vax] product not installing

Bill Cunningham nospam at nspam.invalid
Thu Sep 29 12:43:34 EDT 2016

"hb" <end.of at inter.net> wrote in message news:nsjfv1$2em$1 at gioia.aioe.org...

> You may want to try to mount the CD-ROM (image) with
> /UNDEFINED_FAT=FIXED:NONE:32256. That should enable backup as well as
> vmsinstal to access the CC064.% files on the CD-ROM.

Humm. In following Henry's advice I ran that list option. The screen 
scrolled and scrolled. Finally I halted it and there were errors and 
repeated information. One thing, blocksize was 32256. So I set the attribs 
to lrl and mrs (I believe, no familiar with the options there) to 32256. Run 
vmsinstal and it worked like a charm. Then I came to what I expected. gbl 
pages and memory values not set right. So I believe that is changed in 

    So so far it seems to be going, thanks to all.


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