[Info-vax] product not installing

Bill Cunningham nospam at nspam.invalid
Thu Sep 29 12:46:39 EDT 2016

"Steven Schweda" <sms.antinode at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:3b839033-116a-4d20-96e8-b724a6185ec8 at googlegroups.com...
>> If your OpenVME is up-to-date, try BACKUP/RECOVER.
>   Or, if your OpenVMS is modern (and, so, not on a VAX) then
> you might try BACKUP /REPAIR.
>> Fixing a BACKUP save-set file attributes:
>> [...]
>   Or, if you believe that a computer program could handle
> some of that mess, then you might look for a copy of
> which may be available in many places.  For example:
>      http://h41379.www4.hpe.com/openvms/freeware/backup.html
>      http://antinode.info/dec/sw/fixrec.html

Those links seem to work. But I have V7.3 so I don't think I need that 
program. But I will look at them.


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